Egg Gazing

In our cookery sessions this Easter we’ve been doing some Egg Gazing and looking at various eggs.


Ostrich is the largest living species of birds and lays the largest eggs – equivalent to 24 chicken eggs and weighing roughly 3 pounds each. One would make a massive omelette or could be served as a big old dippy egg instead of a fondue and could possibly bring new meaning to an English Breakfast (if you can find a pan big enough to cook it up as a fried egg) – where’s Heston when you need him?

Goose eggs are 3 times the size of a chicken egg and make a delicious moist and rich cake, although a little dense in texture which can of course be corrected with an alternative method of baking the cake…but I am not prepared to give away all my secrets!

Quail, the smallest of game birds, habitat consist of woodlands and forests and there are over 15 different varieties. Their eggs are packed full of vitamins and minerals and are delicious in salads, smoked, pickled or used as a canapé or in a fish pie. Or perhaps if you’re brave enough eaten raw as served in Japanese Sushi.

And finally who can forget that most delicious of egg…Chocolate!

Happy Easter to one and all.

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