Monthly Archives: June 2014

The CPS dining room

The dining room at Chesham Prep School has been undergoing quite a transformation of late.  Having taken over the head chef role this term, the first thing Cookies extraordinaire Michele undertook was to send out a questionnaire to all the children and staff of the school.  Over 250 replies came back, keeping her very busy reading through them all.  Whilst some suggestions like candyfloss on the salad bar, dinner plates with NO vegetables and chocolate fountains for everyone to dip their strawberries in are unlikely to go ahead, there are many fantastic improvements that will be appearing.  So far cheese boards and fruit platters have been seen and stir-fries are becoming a popular addition to the menu.  Children have shown an amazingly adventurous streak by expressing a great interest in sushi and fajitas.  Watch this space to see what other fantastic changes are happening…………